Human Capital Management

Basic Policy

The Kumagai Gumi Group views human resources as its capital, and believes that allowing them to maximize their capabilities leads to the enhancement of corporate value over the medium to long term. Based on this perspective, we will expand investment in human resources, which are the source of sustainable growth and the core of our business activities, in order to maximize the value of our human resources in terms of both quality and quantity and to build a human capital base that contributes to the enhancement of our corporate value.

Human Resource Strategy

The Kumagai Gumi Group Mid-term Management Plan (FY2024-2026) calls for investing 6 billion yen in human resources. We will focus on recruitment efforts to build a sustainable workforce; human resource development with an eye on the next generation of employees to support improvement of their skills and the enrichment of their career paths; improvement of compensation levels to increase employee motivation; and development of a work environment in which our employees can work with peace of mind. Through these initiatives, we will increase the motivation, pride, and confidence of our employees, thereby enhancing employee engagement, improving organizational ability, and maximizing human capital value.

Recruitment Efforts

To resolve imbalances among generations and to prepare for turnover due to aging of employees, we are pursuing recruitment efforts with a keen sense of the need for diversity. We will formulate recruitment plans that reflect changing business environments and business performance forecasts, taking into account the employee numbers, composition of job types, and age distribution likely to be in place in 5 to 10 years' time, thereby maintaining and improving our technological prowess and competitive capabilities. In new graduate recruitment efforts, we are focusing on acquiring human resources capable of leading the Kumagai Gumi Group into the future by proactively providing on-site tours as well as holding meetings with our employees, roundtable discussions with young employees, and other events, with the aim of ensuring optimal placement after joining the Group. In mid-career recruitment efforts, we are striving to secure human resources who offer specialized skills in areas on which we must focus based on our business strategies, and who are capable of handling fast learning curves.

  Joined in April 2022 Joined in April 2023 Joined in April 2024

Number of new graduate hires

112 110 119


78 78 94


34 32 25

Number of mid-career hires

16 14 15