Life Cycle

Building lives vary greatly. They are long; lasting from several decades to over a hundred years. The work of Kumagai Gumi is not just to construct buildings. We are involved from building plan creation through the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and remodeling phases up to and including management utilizing our extensive experience in construction, and into the future.


Renewal work faces many restrictive conditions and thus requires more advanced comprehensive technical ability and broad consideration than does new construction.

"Renewal" Points

Plastic injection material that is used to fill in the hollows and gaps in the tunnel lining back, etc., is the result of a series of improvements. Being able to perform long distance pressure feeding via piping from the cement silo to the work site in the tunnel has made it possible to work in tight spaces that cannot be reached using conventional agitator-body trucks (concrete trucks). Further, we are effectively utilizing waste by using the fly ash discharged by thermal power stations as a substitute material for concrete in the plastic injection material.

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The ability to solve a variety of problems related to the construction business. Kumagai Gumi has the experience and know-how nurtured over many years as a general contractor.

"Solutions" Points

The surrounding traffic volume, flow, and congestion will all change during and after construction for both the new and redevelopment construction of large commercial facilities. A traffic plan is a required item during the planning stage. In addition, simulating traffic jams after large disasters and studying countermeasures in advance are desired by society and the nation.

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Much social infrastructure is approaching the time when renewal and large-scale repairs are required due to deterioration over time. The development of technology for safely, accurately, and efficiently inspecting social infrastructure is a top priority.

"Maintenance" Points

We are developing technologies to replace humans to safely, accurately, and efficiently inspect infrastructure structures. For example, inspection technology incorporating the latest sensor and robot technology is entering the practical application stage. We are also developing technologies to meet such needs of society as rapid construction to replace bridge decks being used as a road.

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Kumagai Gumi was the first company in Japan to begin working on overseas BOT projects (build, operate, and transfer) and the extensive experience gained overseas doing this is being utilized for private finance initiatives (PFI) in Japan.

"Management" Points

The 30-year project period for the east undersea tunnel constructed as the first BOT project in Hong Kong by Kumagai Gumi in the 1980's ended in August 2016 at which time the tunnel was returned to the Hong Kong government. As a continuance of this project, the company will participate in the management, operation, and maintenance (MOM) of the road after its return. The participation in the MOM business allows us to contribute to society not just through construction projects but also by maintaining and renewing infrastructure. Participation in this business in Hong Kong is a first attempt of this type by a Japanese company and is highly expected to be a new business model for activities overseas.

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