ESG Management

The construction industry in which we have worked for many years is also a job that supports the social foundation, and the ideal for which we aim is a company that contributes to society through that work. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations indicate the worldwide priority issues and ideal nature with a target of the year 2030. We believe that Kumagai Gumi can also contribute to their achievement through our business activities.

Based on this philosophy, Kumagai Gumi formulated the "ESG Initiatives" based on the Kumagai Gumi Group Vision, aiming to contribute to the resolution of social issues through business activities and to increase corporate value through sustainable growth.

ESG Initiatives

  1. Kumagai Gumi identifies material issues to be resolved from the perspective of Environment, Social, and Governance, and pursue sustainable business activities.
  2. Kumagai Gumi creates new value by leveraging the Group's technologies, experience and expertise. We engage in business activities that contribute to the resolution of social issues represented by SDGs.
  3. Through its business activities, Kumagai Gumi aims to build relationships of trust with its stakeholders and increase its corporate value.
ESG Materiality
ESG Materiality Initiatives to solve issues SDGs
E Formation of Environmentally Conscious Businesses
  • Response to climate change risks
  • Achieving zero emission
  • Biodiversity-Conscious Initiatives
  • Wood-building Business
  • Forest preservation Business
  • Renewable Energy Business
  • Development of environmentally conscious technologies
S Creating a rewarding workplace that diverse human resources demonstrate their potential
  • Retaining and developing employees
  • Handing down technologies
  • Promotion of diversity and inclusion
  • Realization of work-life balance
  • Improvement of workers' health and prevention of occupational injury
Realization of a sustainable community
  • Community contributions
  • Natural Disaster Response
  • Develop technologies that help solve social issues
G Enhancing corporate governance
  • Improvement of the effectiveness of board meetings
  • Strengthening compliance
  • Strengthen risk management
Proactive communication with stakeholders and others.
  • Proactive dialogue with investors
  • Customer Satisfaction Improvement
  • Promoting CSR procurement

Statues of Dialogue with Shareholders and Institutional Investors, etc.

The Kumagaigumi will commit to engaging in appropriate and impartially disclose information about its management and business activities and other information.
In FY2023, we continued from the previous year with our promotion of IR activities designed to help us cope with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, such as using online tools for individual meetings/teleconferences and small meetings with investors in Japan and overseas, and holding financial results briefings in a hybrid in-person and online format. We also focused on engagement with shareholders and institutional investors to build stable relationships of trust.
Following organizational change in FY2023, we established the new Sustainability Promotion Department, comprising the Sustainability Promotion Group and the IR Group. This covers one of our stated ESG/SDGs strategies, "Enhancing Dialogue with Investors," providing the opportunity to actively exchange opinions on performance trends, management strategies, returns to shareholders, as well as environmental and social issues and governance initiatives.
Details of this dialogue are made available to members of the Board of Directors and related departments to be utilized as a means of raising corporate value.

Dialogues held

Dialogue with shareholders and investors

Domestic and foreign institutional investors and analysts

Main Issues/Topics

Business environment and operations, progress of Mid-term Management Plan, future strategies, shareholder returns, ESG/SDGs, etc.

Feedback of stakeholder meetings

Views and opinions from shareholders and institutional investors obtained through the meetings are shared with management as appropriate, and are used as references for future strategy and policy planning.