Based on our human rights policy, Kumagai Gumi Group continuously identifies and evaluates risks through human rights due diligence, with the aim of preventing and reducing adversely impacts on human rights from our business activities.
Human rights due diligence is examined by the Human Rights Policy Subcommittee, a subordinate organization of the Sustainability Promotion Committee.

Initiatives FY 2023

We conducted Human rights due diligence with the Human Rights Policy Subcommittee FY2023.

Those initiatives are approved by the sustainability promotion committee, and are reported management committee, board of directors

①Specify adversely impacts

We specified human rights issues for our business with reference to "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" for UN, and cases where social responsibility in the construction industry was required.

We assessed and mapped the human rights risks that were identified in our company and supply chain by degree of seriousness and likelihood of occurrence.

In our company, we recognize our human rights risks we are making efforts the risks based on Key issues(materiality) in the ESG policy initiative.
On the other hand, in the supply chain, we have identified human rights risks that should be prioritized as material issues in our business.

material issues in our supply chain

Business areas with high human rights risks

Our group's value chain includes processes such as construction management and safety and health management that are unique to the construction industry, and we interact with a large number of partner companies.
As a result, we have determined that the areas with the highest potential human rights risks in our group's business are the procurement and construction processes.


In FY2023, we conducted The human rights due diligence survey of 200 companies that are closely involved with us in the procurement and construction processes.
Before The human rights due diligence survey, we held a webinar and explained the Kumagai Gumi Group Human Rights Policy.

▶Result of survey

Number of respondent:187/200 94%
Average score :27.8/31 89.6%
Numbers of question:34

Working hours (unfair, long working) Not severe
harassment Shortage of Consultation Contact
Wages (shortage, unpaid) Not severe
Foreign workers rights Not severe

In addition to the four material issues, we have added items such as bribery and corruption, information security, diversity, and occupational safety and health to the survey. As a result, the Survey is more comprehensive than last year.
For responses that could pose a serious risks, we conducted interviews with the companies in question and engaged in dialogue to correct any mistakes or differences in understanding. None of the companies found answers to the survey that violate laws and regulations.

③Prevent and mitigate adverse impacts

We shared and explained the results in a webinar to the respondant companies of the survey.
In addition, at the same time, we introduced good examples of human rights initiatives and specific countermeasures.
We provided education to reduce risks and introduced our Consultation Contact.

④Information disclosure

We will continue our efforts while engaging in dialogue with our suppliers based on the results of our human rights due diligence in FY2023 .
We will disclose information regarding human rights initiatives in a timely manner.


Kumagai Gumi has established multiple points of contact both inside and outside the company where all employees and stakeholders can consult and report at any time. In addition, we prohibit any disadvantageous measures against whistleblowers and allow anonymous reporting.