Coexist with nature

Kumagai Gumi complies with laws regarding the conservation of the natural environment and actively conducts design, construction, technical development, and social contribution initiatives based on our "Policy for Biodiversity."

"Policy for Biodiversity"

(1) Fundamental concept

We recognize the following in our business activities, and actively work towards biodiversity protection and sustainable usage.

- That our daily lives are supported by the benefits provided by biodiversity
- That biodiversity is facing a severe crisis due to various human activities
- That there is a deep relationship between the construction industry and nature

(2) Stance

We incorporate ecosystem considerations in our business activities and implement them over the entire company.

1.initiatives in design and construction
  We identify our impact on the ecosystem and strive to avoid and reduce it
  We strive to reduce our impact on the ecosystem via green purchasing of construction materials,
2.Legal compliance
  We comply with laws, etc. regarding conservation of the natural environment
3.Technical development
  We actively work on technical development related to biodiversity
4.Social contribution initiatives
  We actively participate in social contribution initiatives regarding biodiversity via communication with society

The "Kuro-chan" and "Shiro-chan" characters of our environmental training booklet, "Kuma-san's Eco-Book," entered the "Biodiversity Character Support Group" of the United Nations in 2013.
The "Biodiversity Character Support Group" is a PR organization of the "Japan Committee for UNDB" that was established to promote initiatives regarding biodiversity and spread understanding regarding biodiversity by the Ministry of the Environment. The Support Group is comprised of PR characters from companies and local governments.

Overview of the "Japan Committee for UNDB"
 A committee for promoting cooperation and action in various sectors in order to achieve the "Aichi Targets" adopted at COP10, which was held in Nagoya in 2010.